board meeting minutes

5/14/2022, 6/18/2022, 7/2/2022

Weaver Hollow Board Meeting – 5/14/22

Board Members Present: President Joyce Samples, Vice President Shannon Dunn, Secretary Brett Cothren, Board Member (2 yr) Ginny Dodd and Board Member (1 yr) Bob Bickerton.

The Weaver Hollow board of directors met on 5/14/22.

Joyce Samples called the meeting to order.

Joyce said Eva recommended keeping Weaver Hollow assessments at $100 per lot. There was extensive discussion on covenants proposed and also discussion of commercial use of property. Since there were two board members unable to attend, another meeting was set for June 18th for ongoing discussions.

Weaver Hollow Board Meeting – 6/18/22

Board Members Present: President Joyce Samples, Secretary Brett Cothren, Treasurer Eva Gold, Board Member (3 yr) Carlos Sosa, Board Member (2 yr) Ginny Dodd and Board Member (1 yr) Bob Bickerton.

Joyce Samples called the meeting to order.

Eva Gold gave a Treasurer’s report. Discussion pertained to the common area and the weed eating (or lack thereof) that will be addressed by our mowing contractor.

Joyce Samples brought back up the discussion of covenants and commercial use of property. More discussion was held and it was decided to consult WH attorney Heather Klein on the definition of commercial use of property.

The board walked the common area afterward to discuss the weed eating and removal of tree limbs for adequate mowing as well as accessing our changing room.

Weaver Hollow Board Meeting – 7/2/22

Board Members Present: President Joyce Samples, Vice President Shannon Dunn, Secretary Brett Cothren, Treasurer Eva Gold, Board Member (3 yr) Carlos Sosa, Board Member (2 yr) Ginny Dodd and Board Member (1 yr) Bob Bickerton.

Joyce Samples called the meeting to order.

Eva Gold gave a Treasurer’s report and a recommendation of keeping lot assessments at $100 per lot with the same $10 penalty per month for every month starting January 1, 2023.

A summary of restrictions of rentals was discussed in light of the information and advice from WH attorney Heather Klein the previous afternoon. Bob said in light of this new information that he would present it to the landowners and ask for leniency in giving time for the board to digest this information.

Eva Gold announced our website that costs $12 per year domain fee. This would be a portal for landowners to view restrictions and covenants, address for mailing in assessments, BOD member contact info, etc. It was discussed that contact info for board members could be a generic email address (such as or treasurer at weaverhollow instead of using personal email addresses. That will be forthcoming.

Our surveyor that was to survey the ROW entrance on the north side has kept delaying. Consensus of the board was for Brett Cothren contact him once more and we would explore another surveyor if he couldn’t commit to a timeline.